Cryptic Crossword
Crossword 86 – Monsters!
Where would Doctor Who be without its scary monsters? There’s a reason for the old trope of hiding behind the sofa whilst watching it – we love to be scared! In this week’s cryptic crossword, find you can find a whole carnival of monsters from across the years! When I Read more…
Cryptic Crossword
Crossword 81 – Space Invaders!
Invasions from space (and otherwise) are a staple of Doctor Who, so this week, Cryptic Who is turning its attention to incursions – from other worlds and different shores. In this week’s crossword, you will find the names of many Space Invaders foiled by the Doctor and his friends over Read more…
Cryptic Crossword
Crossword 79 – Legends
We all love a good story, and your compiler is no exception. Over the years, Doctor Who has borrowed from our own myths and legends, often giving them a science-fiction twist or explanation. In this week’s crossword, the answers are all “real world” myths and legends which have appeared in Read more…
Cryptic Crossword
Crossword 69 – Monsters!
What’s that coming over the hill? Is it a monster? Is it monster? As a kid, I loved being scared half to death by the monsters in Doctor Who, and this week, your erstwhile compiler pays tribute to monsters old and new. You will find a whole menagerie of monsters Read more…