HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! This week, your compiler is feeling all festive. He’s gorging himself on mince pies, goose, and has a vat of mulled wine to hand. Very soon, he will be comatose on the sofa mainlining Joy to the World, this year’s Doctor Who Christmas special!

While I slip into a festive coma, have a crack at this week’s bumper crossword which is all about the Christmas specials over the years – including the latest instalment. Do have a go at all the other games too – there are picture rounds, a word search, a quiz, and a whole host of seasonal silliness to distract yourself with when you’re trying to escape your relatives.

Cryptic Who will be back first thing in the New Year. There are some cracking crosswords all lined up and one or two amazing surprises…

Until then, I hope you all have a lovely Christmas. Look after one another x

Love, Code Nine x


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